Click below for a brief overview of some common mental illnesses like Schizophrenia and Depression:
Click here to read the general guidelines for volunteers in interacting with persons with mental illnesses. (Please credit Club HEAL accordingly if you wish to extract any information from the slides)
Mental llnesses involve conditions that affect the brain which influences how an individual behaves, thinks and feels in ways that is disrupting and distressing to his or her life. Schizophrenia, Bipolar Disorder and Najor Depression are among some of these illnesses.
There are a wide range of symptoms involved and it can affect anyone, regardless of ethnicity, socio-economic status or intelligence level.many geniuses in fact are known to have mental illnesses, an example being John Nash, the Nobel-prize-winning mathematician whose touching story was told in the movie ‘A Beautiful mind’. It is important therefore to erase all negative attitudes towards sufferers of mental illnesses and to dispel myths concerning them.
It is important that the stigma of mental illnesses be removed, that the message of hope be given to the mentally ill and their families, and that every mentally ill persn has at least one person who believes that he can recover.
Although the exact cause of mental illness is not known, genetic, psychological and environmental factors play a part. However, one thing is for sure, it is not a result of personal weakness or character defect and recovery requires more than just consuming medication. Continuous compliance to treatment, anchored to a strong will and social support can go a long way in helping an individual lead a fulfilling life.
“Allah has not sent down a disease without sending a cure for it.” – narrated by Al-Bukhari.
Mengenai Penyakit Mental
Penyakit mental melibatkan keadaan di dalam otak yang mempengaruhi bagaimana seorang individu berkelakuan, berfikir dan beremosi yang boleh mengganggu dan menjejas hidupnya. Skizofrenia, Gangguan Bipolar dan Kemurungan adalah di antara beberapa penyakit-penyakit ini.
(Sila kredit Club HEAL jika anda ingin menggunakan maklumat dari dokumen kami.)
Terdapat pelbagai gejala-gejala yang terlibat dalam penyakit mental dan penyakit2 ini boleh menjejas sesiapa, anpa mengia kaum, status sosio-ekonomi atau tahap pembelajaran. Ramai cendiakawan mempunai penyakit mental, contohnya, John Nash, seorang pakar matematik dan pemenang hadiah Nobel; cerita beliau yang menyentuh hati itu telah diriwayatkan di dalam filem ‘A Beautiful Mind’. Oleh kerana itu, amat penting untuk menghapuskan semua sikap negatif terhadap pesakit menal.
Walaupun punca sebenar penyakit mental tiak diketahui, faktor genetik, psikologi dan alam sekitar memainkan peranan. Namun, yang pasti adalah, ia bukan hasil kelemahan pribadi atau kecacatan watak. Pemulihan memerlukan lebih dari hanya memakan ubat. Pematuhan dalam rawatan yang berterusan, keazaman yang kukuh, serta sokongan sosial boleh membantu individu tersebut menjalani kehidupan yang memuaskan.
“Allah tidak menurunkan suatu penyakit tanpa menghantar penawar untuk mengubatinya.” – diriwayatkan oleh Al-Bukhari.