In the News


In the News

Puasa di bulan Ramadan bina kekuatan rohani, jasmani – BH April 18 2022 – “Fasting during the month of Ramadan builds spiritual, physical strength” – an article by Dr Radiah on the spiritual and physical benefits of fasting.

‘Okey’ bagi penjaga golongan istimewa dapatkan sokongan – BH Februari 7 2022 – “Okay for caregivers of people of special needs to get support” – article on caregivers with tips on caregiving from Club HEAL’s CREST Caregiver lead Mr Zainal Lee and Caregiver Champion Mdm Zaiton Kareem.

Kaum lelaki, wanita sama berisiko hadapi masalah kesihatan mental – BH November 15 2021 – “Men, women are both at risk of facing mental health challenges” – article by Dr Radiah on why both men and women are similarly at risk of  facing mental health challenges and the subtle differences in the ways they manifest in the two groups.

Budayakan gaya hidup sihat dan hargai pesakit – BM July 25 2021 – “Practice healthy lifestyle and value persons with dementia” featured an opinion piece by Dr Radiah on important measures to tackle dementia,  such as the importance of adopting a healthy lifestyle as a means of preventing dementia, supporting caregivers and valuing persons with dementia.

Amalkan sabar, syukur harungi cabaran hidup – BM July 8 2021 – “Practice patience and gratitude in meeting life’s challenges” featured pointers by Dr Radiah on how to meet the stresses of the pandemic COVID 19 challenge using a holistic approach that includes adoption of positive values like patience and gratitude.

Fahami, pelajari demensia demi pertingkat penjagaan – BM June 27 2021 – “Understand, learn about dementia to improve caregiving” featured the importance of caregivers empowering themselves about dementia and community resources available by Zainal Lee.

Terimalah bantuan untuk kebaikan semua – BM June 20 2021 – “Accept help for the good of all” featured an opinion piece by Mr Zainal Lee, Club HEAL’s Senior Allied Health Professional on the reason why some dementia caregivers resist getting help and the importance of seeking help early in their caregiving journey.

Penjaga perlu sabar, fahami dan hormati pesakit – BM May 30 2021 – “Caregiver should be patient, understand and respect the patient” featured caregiving tips for dementia caregivers by Dr Radiah.

Fahami faktor yang boleh pertingkat alami demensia – BM May 23 2021 – “Understand risk factors for dementia” featured an opinion piece by Dr Radiah about risk factors for dementia.

Mengisi jurang sokongan yang diperlukan pesakit – BM May 16 2021 – “Filling the gap needed by patients” featured Fazeeda Mohamed and Club HEAL, describing Fazeeda’s experience helping persons with dementia and their caregivers as well as Club HEAL’s dementia programs.

Sumbang pengalaman bertahun bantu pesakit demensia – BM May 16 2021 – “Contributing for many years helping people with dementia” featured Yang Chek Salikin, and her vast experience in mental health and dementia as well as her role at Club HEAL.

Pengubat derita penyakit demensia – BM May 9 2021 – “Healer of Dementia” featured Dr Radiah and Club HEAL, describing ways of preventing dementia and Club HEAL’s efforts to help people with dementia and their caregivers.

Tidur dan kaitannya dengan kesihatan mental – BH March 29 2021 – “Sleep and its connection with mental health” is an article by Dr Radiah on how sleep impacts mental health.

Kesihatan wanita sepanjang usia – BH March 15 2021 – “Women’s health throughout life” is an article by Dr Radiah on a holistic approach to maintaining women’s health.

Faktor penyebab dan salah tanggap mengenai demensia – BH Feb 22 2021 -“Causal factors and misconceptions about dementia”  featured a BH interview with Club HEAL’s ED (Clinical) Yang Chek Salikin on dementia.

Kelab Heal perluas khidmat bantu individu hadapi isu ketagihan – BH Dec 23 2020 – “Club HEAL widens service to include individuals facing addiction issues” – coverage on the launch of the book “Dari Mabuk ke Terdorong” – translation from “From Drunken to Driven” by Ram Dubey and the Reforming Support Group – Club HEAL collaboration in helping people in recovery from substance addiction and their families.

Lelaki bermasalah mental mudah marah, agresif – BM Oct 18 2020 – “Men with mental health problems easily become angry and aggressive” – preview on discussion on men’s mental health challenges by Dr Radiah Salim and Ustaz Tarmizi Wahid on the BM show.

Bantu mereka yang alami isu mental selepas gangguan serupa diatasi – BM Oct 18 2020 – “Helping others with similar mental health conditions after conquering her own mental health challenges” – featured the recovery journey and career path of Nur Hafizah Kamaruzzaman, Club HEAL’s peer support specialist.

Presiden Halimah: Tingkat kesedaran kesihatan mental – BM Oct 18 2020 – “President Halimah: Raise awareness on mental health” – coverage on the launch of “Patience and Gratitude – stories of healing” written by Club HEAL’s writer Yohanna Abdullah.

Gara-gara media sosial…Orang muda pun boleh alami gangguan mental – BH Oct 8 2020 – “Because of social media, young people too may experience mental disorders” – explored the impact of social media on mental health with inputs from Club HEAL and Care Corner.

Tidur dapat lindungi diri dari pelbagai penyakit – BH Ogos17 2020 – “Sleep can help prevent many illnesses” – featured an article by Dr Radiah on the importance of sleep in preventing illnesses.

Kes dera anak: Memilukan… – BH July 15 2020 – “Child abuse case: Very sad…” – featured comments from Dr Radiah on the link between child abuse and mental health challenges.

Kelab Heal perluas khidmat bantu warga emas – BH July 3 2020 – “Club HEAL expands service to help seniors” – coverage on the official reopening of Club HEAL’s new premises as Bukit Batok East and the launch of “Dari Kambuh ke Sembuh” – the Malay version of “from Relapsed to Redeemed”.

Jangan tumbang di bawah tekanan – BH 15 June 2020 –  “Don’t fall under pressure” – featured a write-up on the mental health challenges of COVID19 by Dr Radiah Salim.

Kelab Heal buka cawangan di Buangkok – BH 28 November 2019 – “Club HEAL opens centre at Buangkok” – featured the launch of Club HEAL@ Buangkok with Dr Intan Azura Mokhtar as GOH

Cara bantu mereka yang mahu tamatkan nyawa – BH 4 November 2019 – “The way to help those who want to end their lives” – featured a write up on suicide by Dr Radiah Salim.

Detik Programme on Suria – “Bunuh Diri di Kalangan Belia” – 30 October 2019 –  “Suicide among Youths” – featured Club HEAL Senior Manager Heryani Jamaludin and clients on the issue of suicide among youths.

Langkah jumpa kaunselor bantu pelajar teraniaya keluar dari kemurungan – BH 28 October 2019 – “Taking the step to see a counselor helped a traumatised student come out of her depression” – featured a Club HEAL client ‘Safiyyah’ with PTSD and her recovery journey.

Pegawai Kelab HEAL atasi kemurungan dengan ‘pinjamkan telinga’ bantu orang – BH 28 October 2019 – “Club HEAL Executive overcome depression by ‘lending a listening ear’ to help others” – featured Peer Support Specialist Rishah Zainal and her recovery journey and work at Club HEAL.

Ibu tunggal terpaksa berhenti kerja, banyak sabar jaga anak skizoid – BH 28 October 2019 – “Single mum had to quit work, exercise much patience in caring for son with schizophrenia” – featured Club HEAL clients, Caregiver Mdm Rages in caring for her son Mr Yoges and how they overcame their challenges.

Kelab Heal lancar buku kupas kesihatan minda,tubuh – BH 11 October 2019 – “Club HEAL launches books exploring mental and physical health” – featured the launch of two books “A Worthwhile Duty” and “Kewajipan Berbaloi” in celebration of World Mental Health Day at an event graced by President Halimah Yacob.

Detik Programme on Suria – “Penjaga Demensia” 26 June 2019 – “Dementia Caregivers” – featured Club HEAL’s CREST teams and their clients, along with community partners such as KTPH.

Dilemma Programme on Radio Warna – 24-26 June 2019 – “Men and Mental Health” – featured Club HEAL’s Rehab Manager Zainal Lee and Counsellor Fauzy Ramlee.

Club Heal agih baucer, hamper makanan kepada 60 warga kurang nasib baik – BH 31 May 2019 – ” Club HEAL distributes shopping vouchers and food to 60 less fortunate residents”  – featured the work of the CREST Team and volunteers of Club HEAL in reaching out to needy residents in Marsiling and Woodlands during Ramadan.

“I have mental illness, will you hire me?” – The Sunday Times 5 May 2019 – featured Programme Coordinator Sumaiyah Mohamed and the challenges people with mental health challenges face in the workforce.

Keluarga perlu sokongan, bukan dipinggirkan – BM 7 April 2019 – “Families need support, not ostracization” – interview with Dr Radiah who shared on the support that families of suicide victims need.

Tekanan silam dorong usaha membantu – BM 3 February 2019 – “Past stresses motivate giving-back efforts” – featured Sumaiyah Mohamed, Programme Coordinator of ‘Our Healing Voice’ in Club HEAL.

Program pemulihan ubati patah hati kehilangan suami– BM 3 February 2019 – “Rehabilitative program healed a heart broken from the loss of her husband” – featured the recovery journey of ‘Our Healing Voice’ participant Rugayah Abu.

Jerih payah hidup dijadikan iktibar,penawar – BM 3 February 2019 –  “Lessons in healing from life’s challenges” – featured the recovery journey of ‘Our Healing Voice’ participant Carlina Hutabarat.

Kes masalah mental yang dikendalikan Club HEAL melonjak lebih 400% tahun ini (Mental health cases handled by Club HEAL jumped to 400% this year) – 22 December 2018 – Berita Mediacorp – featuring Dr Radiah Salim on the surge of people seeking help for mental health issues and the importance of seeking help early.

Causes Week 2018: Plugging the gap in mental health support – 19 December 2018 – The Straits Times – featuring volunteer Hayyu Nariah Nasir on founding Project Weave to create a platform for youths to volunteer with people with mental health issues at Club HEAL.

14% penduduk Singapura pernah alami masalah mental (14% Singaporeans experience mental health issues) – 11 December 2018 – Berita Mediacorp – A Singapore Mental Health Study conducted by IMH. Dr Radiah Salim opined that more are seeking help due to fast paced lifestyle in the digital age, adding pressures in school or at work.

Tamu Sensasi: Masalah Ketagihan Dadah di Kalangan Kaum Hawa (Addiction issues amongst the women) – 27 November 2018 – Radio Warna94.FM – featuring Dr Radiah Salim, Counsellor, Mazirah Abd Rahman and Peer Mentor, Kamisah Mohamed.

Tamu Sensasi: Masalah Kesihatan Mental di Kalangan Remaja (Mental health issues amongst the youths) – 20 November 2018 – Radio Warna94.FM – featuring Senior Counsellor, Noraini Wahab and peer, “Maya”.

Tamu Sensasi: Masalah Kesihatan Mental di Kalangan Warga Emas (Mental health issues in the elderly) – 13 November 2018 – Radio Warna94.FM – featuring Mental Health Nurse, Fazeeda Mohamed and caregiver, Mdm Sarimah Sahid.

Tamu Sensasi: Isu Kesihatan Mental dan alam Pekerjaan (Employment of persons in receovery from mental health issues) – 23 October 2018 – Radio Warna94.FM – featuring Dr Radiah Salim and peer, Mdm Rushsidah from Club HEAL.

Latih minda kawal fikiran – BH 19 October 2018 – “Training your mind to take control of your thoughts” – featured Senior Case Manager, Ms Heryani Jamaludin on her book launch “You can be your best” from her experience working with people in recovery from mental health issues.

Tamu Sensasi: Baik Pulih (Recovery) – 16 October 2018 – Radio Warna94.FM – “Recovery” with Ms Heryani Jamaludin, Senior Case Manager and author of book “You can be your best” and Sumaiyah Mohamed, Programme Coordinator from Club HEAL.

3 kategori baru diperkenalkan bagi Anugerah Dana Masyarakat – 9 October 2018 – BERITA MediaCorp – Mdm Sarinah Said shared how she contributes back to the community, from a person-in-recovery to a volunteer at Club HEAL. She emceed the distinguished award ceremony by Com Chest at the Istana on 9 October 2018.

40 ustaz, ustazah jalani kursus kemahiran kenali, bantu isu masalah mental – 9 October 2018 – BERITA MediaCorp – 40 religious educators undergo course to understand and help mental health issues.

Pameran Seni Kelab HEAL: Lukisan cerminkan perjuangan terhadap kemurungan, kebimbangan – BH 9 October 2018 – “Art Exhibition by Club HEAL: Painting reflects the struggle facing depression, anxiety” – featured the story of Rafeah Md Said, Club HEAL’s peer, using art to heal.

Tamu Sensasi on Radio Warna 94.2FM – On Caregivers (Berkenaan Para Penjaga) – 9 October 2018 featured Senior Counsellor Hamidah Bahashwan and Caregiver, Mdm Zaiton Bee from Club HEAL.

Sempena bulan Kesihatan Mental Sedunia, orang ramai berpeluang memahami lebih mendalam tentang pengalaman golongan yang mengalami masalah mental menerusi pameran “Landskap Minda Kita”. – 5 October 2018 – BERITA MediaCorp – Art Exhibition: Landscapes of our Mind by peers of Club HEAL

Tamu Sensasi on Radio Warna 94.2FM – Seni Memulihkan (Art HEALs) – 2 October 2018 featured Art Instructor Nhawfal Juma’at and Dr Radiah Salim from Club HEAL.

Penderita skizofrenia paranoid berjaya lawan stigma terhadap diri – BH 27 September 2018 – “Schizophrenia sufferer successfully overcomes self-stigma” – featured the recovery story of Mohd Ridzuan Yunos, Club HEAL’s Programme Executive.

Sokongan padu keluarga, rakan bantu pulihkan kemurungan, skizofrenia – BH 27 September 2018 – “Support from family and friends helps healing from depression and schizophrenia” – featured the recovery story of Sumaiyah Mohamed, Club HEAL’s Programme Coordinator.

Hari Kesihatan Mental Sedunia: Kelab HEAL anjur pameran seni – BH 27 September 2018 – “World Mental Health Day: Club HEAL organised art exhibition”. Featured the inaugural art exhibition by peers of Club HEAL 6-10 October 2018, under the tutelage of Art Instructor, Mr Nhawfal Juma’at.

Forum kongsi ilmu, kupas isu demensia – BH 25 September 2018 – “Forum shares knowledge and discusses the issue of dementia” featured a public forum on dementia jointly held by AIC, Yusof Ishak Mosque and Club HEAL held at the Yusof Ishak Mosque, with GOH Mr Amrin Amrin.

Mental Health: Looking beyond the label – Straits Times 10 September 2018 – featured the launch of the ‘Beyond the Label’ nationwide campaign to dispel stigma and misperceptions about mental health – featuring Sumaiyah and Noor Baizura, Club HEAL staff and EXCO respectively.

Not feeling they are alone helps the recovery process – Sunday Times 9 September 2018 – featured Sumaiyah Mohamed, Club HEAL’s Programme Coordinator and her recovery journey. She is one of the five ambassadors of the ‘Beyond the Label’ campaign by NCSS, launched at IMH on 8 September.

‘I don’t want to be Eugene Tan with bipolar’ : People with mental health issues face workplace discrimination – CNA news  8 September 2018 – featured Eugene Tan, Club HEAL’s Social Worker who shared his views on the topic of workplace discrimination.

Lukisan bantu redakan masalah mental – BH 15 Ogos 2018 – ” Art helps reduce mental health challenges” – featured Siti Noor Baizura, a member of Club HEAL’s ex-co and her recovery journey through art.

Kaunseling, program pemulihan bantu atasi kemurungan – BH 13 July 2018 -” Counselling, rehab program help overcome depression” – article featuring the recovery journey of Club HEAL peer Rafeah Mohd Said, with tips on recovery from her counselor Balqis. It also highlighted the rising number of referrals to Club HEAL, indicating a healthy trend of more coming forward to seek help.

Kemurungan boleh jejas sesiapa – BH 20 June 2018 – “Depression can affect anyone” – article discussing the issue of depression and suicide with views from Dr Radiah and Club HEAL Volunteer Ustazah Laila Abu Hassan.

Muis, Kelab Heal sedia khidmat kounseling kepada madrasah – BH 22 February 2018 – “Muis, Club Heal provides a counseling service to madrasahs” – coverage on the launch of the 3-year partnership between MUIS and Club HEAL in providing counseling services for full-time madrasahs.

Kelab Heal tubuh pusat keempat, biaya acara dengan dana sokongan  – BH 8 February 2018 – “Club HEAL planning to set up fourth centre using support funding” -coverage of Club HEAL as a recipient of ComChest funding to small charities during launch of ‘Storiesofcare’ in commemoration of 35th anniversary of Community Chest.

Book of stories about conquering mental illness launched at charity’s 5th anniversary dinner – ST 19 January 2018 – coverage of Club HEAL’s fifth year celebrations Gala Charity Dinner together with launch of “A Place in the Sun” by Yohanna Abdullah.

Presiden Halimah gesa pertingkat ilmu mengenai pesakit mental – BH 19 January 2018 – “President Halimah urges enhancement of knowledge on mental health” – coverage of Club HEAL’s fifth year celebrations Gala Charity Dinner with GOH Mdm Halimah Yacob.

Relawan perlu bersabar dan fleksibel tangani pesakit demensia – BM 7 January 2018 – “Volunteers must be patient and flexible in helping persons with dementia” – featured volunteer Mohamed Yusof and his experience as a befriender of a person with dementia and Mental Health Nurse Fazeeda Mohamed who stressed the need for more silver volunteers for persons with dementia.

Dibantu Presiden Halimah ketika kehilangan suami dan anak – BM 7 January 2018 – “Helped by President Halimah during loss of her husband and child” – feature article by para-counselor Aneez Fathima on how President Halimah who was her former MP helped her cope with her loss and how she later became inspired to join Club HEAL to help others who are going through losses.

Singing out against mental health stigma  – The New Paper 7 October 2017 – featured Mano Esperanza, peer and staff from Club HEAL who explained how singing helped him cope with his illness.

Bakat, hobi mampu jadi saluran pemulihan penyakit mental – BH 2 October 2017 – “Talents, hobbies can help in the recovery of mental illness” – coverage of Club HEAL’s event ‘Healing Gifts from God’  in commemoration of World Mental Health Day 2017.

Ibu tunggal kini tahu cara lawan ‘mood’ berbeza – BM 1 October 2017 – “Single mum now knows how to manage her changing moods” – featured the recovery journey of Nur Hafizah Kamarulzaman, Club HEAL’s Programme executive at Bukit Batok East .

Sedar bukan ‘nak dekat tapi sudah gila’ – BM 1 October 2017 – “Realised he was not ‘approaching madness, but is already mad'” – featured the recovery journey of Muhammad Nur Boontat aka Mano Esperanza, Club HEAL’s Admin Assistant at Bukit Batok East.

Ibu tidak lagi dibayangi sunyi – BH 28 September 2017 – “Mother no longer shadowed by loneliness” – featured the story of a person with dementia (Mdm Sarilah) and her caregiver (her daughter Mdm Salmah) and on how attending Club HEAL’s programme at Bukit Batok East have helped eased Mdm Sarilah’s loneliness and improved her condition.

Latihan buka mata tentang kesihatan mental – BH 5 September 2017 – “Training opened their eyes about mental health” featured Club HEAL’s current and former interns and on how they heave learnt much about mental health issues through their experience at Club HEAL.

Hidup diberi nafas baru setelah sertai, berbakti dengan Kelab HEAL – BH 30 August 2017 –  “Given a new lease of life after participating and volunteering for Club HEAL” featured the recovery journey of Daryl Tan – former Club HEAL client who then turned into a HEALing friend and eventually as a program executive.

Dulu murung, sekarang bantu pesakit mental pulih – BH 20 July 2017- featured the recovery journey of Fairuz Rahim – former Club HEAL client who then turned into a volunteer and eventually as program executive, and his goal of empowering other people with mental illness.

Healer of minds – The Sunday Times 25 December 2016 – Profile of Dr Radiah for nomination as Singaporean of the Year through her work as a mental health advocate and in forming Club HEAL.

Kelab HEAL lancarkan tiga buku bantu perjelas penyakit mental – BH 12 October 2016 – coverage of Club HEAL’s book launch of “Mind at Peace”, “Jiwa yang Tenang” and “Panic Disorder – the Choice and Willpower to Survive” at AMP and graced by Mdm Dr Halimah Yacob.

People with mental issues face job discrimination – The Straits Times 9 October 2016 – featured Hafizah and other peers and the discrimination they faced from prospective employers due to their diagnosis of mental illness.

Kounselor kongsi cabaran bantu mangsa buli – BM 9 October 2016 – featured Club HEAL Counsellor Hakim and his experience in helping a client with severe anxiety that arose from cyber bullying.

‘Voices’ in head urged her to hurt baby – The New Paper 3 October 2016 – featured the story of Hafizah Kamarulzaman, Club HEAL’s Programme Executive who has schizo-affective Disorder, and on how she became a mental health advocate and her determination to help others through psycho-education.

Create a happier, kinder environment – The Straits Time Forum Page 14 September 2016 – letter by Dr Radiah on the importance of creating a happier, kinder environment that can help tide the rising trend in suicides amongst the young.

Cabaran jaga pesakit demensia – BH 12 August 2016 – feature article on the challenges faced by a caregiver of a person with demensia who has benefited from Club HEAL’s day rehab programme @ Marsiling.

Pengalaman sendiri tangani kakak alami skizofrenia – BH 12 August 2016 – feature article on Dr Radiah Salim’s personal experience as a caregiver for her sister who has schizophrenia.

She once thought being bipolar was ‘fun’…– The New Paper 9 August 2016 – Feature article on Club HEAL’s writer Yohanna Abdullah – her battle with bipolar disorder and her journey towards becoming a mental health advocate.

Kelab Heal ketiga dibuka rasmi di Pasir Ris – BM 24 July 2016 – “Club Heal’s third premises officially opened in Pasir Ris” – report on the official opening of Club HEAL’s third premises located at Pasir Ris East by MP Zainal Sapari.

Ketahui hal kebajikan penjaga, panduan demensia di seminar BH – BH 20 July 2016 – “Know caregivers’ needs, dementia guide at BH seminar” – pre- seminar report on Dr Radiah’s topic of “Caring for a loved one with dementia” and description of Club HEAL’s newly extended service to persons with dementia and their caregivers.

She taps into her grief to help others heal – The Sunday Times 19 June 2016 – featured the story of Club HEAL para-counsellor Aneez Fathima who shared how the loss of her loved ones led to her eventual life mission to help other caregivers though her work at Club HEAL.

For Fairuz, it’s time to pay back to community – The Straits Time 2 June 2016 – by Daniel Neo (NTU graduate) featured Club HEAL’s Healing friend Fairuz who has been helping Club HEAL’s clients through his talents in pottery and other handicraft. Fairuz has MDD (Major Depressive Disorder) and was a former client of Club HEAL.

Usah abaikan tanda kemurungan warga emas – BH 23 May 2016 – “Don’t ignore signs of depression among the elderly” – report on Club HEAL’s expansion to assist the elderly with mental health issues and their caregivers through psycho-education and home-based interventions.

The stigma of depression: Those who suffer in silence – CNA news 18 May 2016 – report by Lianne Chia on the fact that stigma associated with clinical depression could still be preventing people from seeking help featured interviews with Dr Radiah and Mdm Junainah Eusope, Peer Support Specialist from Club HEAL on the topic.

Golf Amal AMP kumpul $144,000 untuk Kelab Heal – BH 18 May 2016 – “AMP Charity Golf raises $144,000 for Club HEAL” – report on AMP’s efforts to raise funds and the profile of Club HEAL through charity golf in commemoration of AMP’s Silver Jubillee.

Kelab Heal masih perlukan dana – BH 10 May 2016 – “Club HEAL still needs funding” – features Club HEAL’s participation in Singapore Press Holdings annual Charity Carnival. As BH’s adopted charity, Club HEAL was given a booth at the carnival to promote Club HEAL and gather support from SPH staff.

Membezakan antara gangguan makhluk halus dengan halusinasi – BH 25 April 2016 – “Differentiating being possessed and hallucinations” – article by Dr Radiah on the difference between being possessed and having symptoms of psychosis such as hallucinations and delusions and the importance of mutual cooperation between conventional medical treatment and alternative therapies.

Halimah: Sokongan dan kerjasama masyarakat penting bagi tangani isu penyakit mental – BM 24 April 2016 – “Halimah: Support and cooperation from the community important to help solve mental health issues” – coverage of Official Opening of the Marsiling branch of Club HEAL with message of GOH Mdm Halimah Yacob on the community’s role in removing barriers such as stigma.

Bantu selamatkan satu nyawa – BH 11 February 2016 – “Help save a life” – article by Dr Radiah on the importance of preventing suicides with tips on how to recognize that a person may be suicidal and steps to be taken.

Kaya jiwa = hidup lebih ‘senang’ – BH 5 January 2016 – “Rich mind = ‘easier’ life – article by Dr Radiah on the fact that real poverty is the poverty of the spirit rather than being poor materially.

Guna formula ‘DUIT’ untuk hadapi periksa – BH 27 October 2015 – “Use ‘DUIT’ formula to face exams” – article by Dr Radiah on how to manage exam stress.

“The Mind Matters” – one of Club HEAL’s beneficiaries “Ani” featured in DETIK Programme on Channel Suria on 21 October 2015 – she shared her recovery journey from schizophrenia.

Melenyapkan stigma pesakit mental – BH 14 October 2015 – “Eradicating stigma against people with mental illness” – article by Dr Radiah on how Hope, Empowerment, Acceptance and Love helps people with mental illness heal and help remove stigma.

Halimah: Sediakan sokongan bagi pesakit mental – BM 11 October 2015 – “Halimah: Provide support to people with mental illness” – featured the book launch of “Shattered, We HEAL II” and it’s Malay version “Berkecai Kami Pulih II” on World Mental Health Day 2015 – with Mdm Halimah Yacob commenting on the importance of educating the public about mental health issues and supporting people with mental illness in the community.

Terapi diri dengan melukis – BH 18 September 2015 – “Self therapy through art” – featured Club HEAL Volunteer and local Celebrity Noor Naserima who shared that she pursued the arts including acting and drawing in order to help her overcome depression.

Peruntuk masa bantu pesakit mental – BH 27 August 2015 – “Setting aside time to help people with mental illness” – featured Club HEAL ex-co Ms Lubna Shah’s volunteer work in Club HEAL and her vision of having Peers run Club HEAL in the future.

Pusat  Kelab Heal kini diperluas, mampu tampung kegiatan tambahan – BM 16 August 2015 – “Club Heal’s premises extended, able to give room for more activities” – report on Club HEAL’s Bukit Batok East premises extension which gives extra space for counselling sessions and activities for rehabilitation such as pottery which helps empower participants of the rehab programme.

Harapan Kelab Heal: Perkasa pesakit dan penjaga – BM 5 July 2015 – “Club Heal’s Hope: Empower Patients and Caregivers” – article written by Dr Radiah Salim in conjunction with SG 50 celebrations – on Club HEAL’s past, present and future, with the hope that Club HEAL will one day be successfully be run by people with mental illness and their caregivers.

60 bukan Islam berpuasa untuk kumpul dana $3,000 – BM 28 June 2015 – ” 60 non-Muslims fast to collect $3,000 in funds” – featured the fast-a-thon and the breaking fast ceremony on 27th June –  jointly organised by Club HEAL and Bukit Batok East MAEC at the Bukit Batok East CC which was graced by Mdm Halimah Yacob.

Selepas pulih, sumbang balik kepada masyarakat – BH 19 Mei 2015 – “After recovery, contributing back to society” – featured Club HEAL’s Peer Specialist Mdm Junainah and Club HEAL’s Peer Mr Muhammad Hazique at Club HEAL’s booth at SPH’s Charity Carnival.

Club HEAL featured in Detik on Suria on 13 May 2015 -mental health issues among youths was highlighted and one of Club HEAL’s clients shared her story on how she managed her illness (schizophrenia and postnatal depression) and is able to contribute back to society by becoming one of Club HEAL’s volunteers.

“There’s no shame in mental illness” – the Sunday Times 10 May 2015 – featured the story of Dr Radiah Salim and how family tragedies spurred her to set up Club HEAL to raise awareness and dispel stigma linked with mental disorders

Fahami skizofrenia untuk bantu pesakit atasi penyakit – BH 5 May 2015 –  “Understand schizophrenia to help patients recover” – an article by Dr Radiah on schizophrenia – cause, symptoms and treatment.

Realiti pesakit bipolar ditelanjangkan – BH 17 April 2015 – “The reality of a bipolar patient revealed” – an article on the theater production of the monologue “Naked” by Teater Kami –  profiling the life of Yohanna Abdullah who has bipolar disorder –  commenting about how this production reveals the  challenges experienced by a person with bipolar illness.

Gangguan bipolar keterlaluan – BH 8 April 2015 – article by Dr Radiah Salim on bipolar disorder – nature and treatment.

Antara bipolar bisu dengan bipolar bising… – BH 8 April 2015 – article by Yohanna Abdullah on “Nuri” – a person with bipolar disorder on how the illness has affected her life.

Mengimbangi Impian Singapura – BH 19 March 2015 – article by Dr Radiah Salim – “Finding a balance in the Singapore Dream” – discussing the possible negative repercussions of chasing the 5 C’s (Car, Cash, Credit Card, Condo and Country Club Membership) on Singaporeans.

Nikmat memberi berdasar berdasar niat – BH 11 March 2015 – article by Dr Radiah Salim – “The joy of giving is based on intention” – explaining that there is much to be joyful about in the act of giving if accompanied by sincere intent.

Yang terbaik dalam hidup tidak perlu dibayar – BH 3 March 2015 – article by Dr Radiah Salim – “The best things in life are free” – stressing the fact that happiness need not carry a heavy price tag.

Halimah: Perlu lebih usaha bantu pesakit mental – BM 15 February 2015 – report on the book launch of the Malay version of “Shattered We HEAL”, i.e. “Berkecai Kami Pulih” with GOH Mdm Halimah Yacob, Speaker of Parliament and Patron of Club HEAL emphasizing on the need for more concerted efforts to help people with mental illness.

Peranan gen dalam penyakit – BH 14 February 2015 – article by Dr Radiah Salim on the role of genes in illnesses including mental illness.

Kesihatan baik = mental sihat – BH 24 January 2015 – article by Dr Radiah Salim on the link between physical health and mental resilience.

Emerging from solitude’s dark heart – Sunday Times 16 November 2014 – report on the launch of music cd “Solitude” by Club HEAL beneficiary and singer-songwriter Suf Supiani who suffers from Panic Disorder.

Kisah cabaran pesakit mental dibukukan – BH 13 October 2014 – report on the launch of “Shattered, We HEAL” that took place on 11 October. GOH Mdm Halimah Yacob expressed her hope that the book will help educate the public on mental health issues and help correct misconceptions about mental illness.

Dengarlah Jeritan Batinku – BH 9 October 2014 – article by Dr Radiah on why PMI’s may behave in a manner that breaks social norms or commit ‘crimes’. Also launch of the book “Shattered, We HEAL” announced.

Kesan kesihatan mental di kalangan kaum Adam dan Hawa – BH 15 August 2014 – article by Dr Radiah on mental health issues among men and women.

Menjadi pengasuh kepada orang yang memerlukan satu tugas mulia – BM 10 August 2014 – article by Dr Radiah on the joys of caregiving.

Pemberian maaf penawar hati yang luka – BH 28 July 2014 – article by Dr Radiah on the role of forgiveness in the healing process.

Club HEAL kutip $1,600 dengan cepat melalui Fast-a-thon – BH 23 July 2014 – Featured Club HEAL’s efforts at fundraising through fast-a-thon which also aims to promote interreligious understanding by encouraging non-Muslim friends to fast for a day in Ramadan. 32 non-Muslims took part.

Gerai BH bantu jual kraf pesakit mental – BH 11 July 2014 – Featured BH’s support to Club HEAL by sharing their space at the Geylang Serai Ramadan Bazaar for the promotion of Club HEAL’s pushcart products to the general public.

Kelab HEAL kumpul derma – Berita Harian 27 June 2014 – Featured  the first Friday Prayers island-wide mosque collection effort by Club HEAL to raise funds, together with a brief summary of Club HEAL’s mission and vision.

Halimah: Usaha tingkat kesedaran penyakit mental harus berterusan – Berita Minggu 15 June 2014 – Mdm Halimah Yacob urged that efforts to increase awareness on mental health issues should be ongoing – her message as GOH during the launch of Club HEAL psychiatric rehabilitation programme at Al-Wehdah (The Arab Association of Singapore).

Club HEAL jadi badan angkat BH (Club HEAL adopted charity of BH) – Berita Harian 12 June 2014 – Club HEAL becomes Berita Harian’s adopted charity – Dr Radiah Salim expressed hope that this will allow the faster spread of accurate information about mental illness that will help combat the stigma and remove barriers to recovery.

Club HEAL featured in Detik on Suria on 28 May 2014 – mental health issues among youths was highlighted and one of Club HEAL’s caregivers shared his experience of having a teenage son who developed mental illness at 14.

Our Peer Specialist Junainah Eusope has battled with depression for 16 years. Her story was featured in the TV program On the Red Dot Wednesday 14 May 2014 on Channel 5. Repeat telecast on CNA 18 May 2014 10.30pm.

Siapa kata pesakit mental tak boleh sembuh? (Who says mental patients cannot recover?)– Berita Harian 19 Mac 2014 – article by Dr Radiah Salim on factors needed to help persons with mental illness recover.

Badan meterai MOU dengan Kelab Heal (Body signs MOU with Club HEAL) – Berita Harian 17 Mac 2014 – Announcement of the support of Al-Wehdah (the Arab Association of Singapore) to Club HEAL since the signing of an MOU in December 2013 allowing the use of Al’Wehdah’s premises for day psychiatric rehabilitation programme of Club HEAL.

Navigating life’s highs and lows – The Sunday Times 23 February 2014 – features writer Yohanna Abdullah and her journey of coping with bipolar disorder to the point of acceptance.

Bila dilanda resah gelisah…(When stricken with anxiety…) – Berita Harian 8 Januari 2014 – article by Dr Radiah Salim on Anxiety and Depression.

Mengelak minda jadi sakit  (Preventing the mind from becoming unwell) – Berita Harian 18 December 2013 – article by Dr Radiah Salim on the link between mental and physical wellness and ways to cope with stress by “PACE” – Positive, Active, Clear, Energetic – method.

Mental kuat, kukuh semangat – Guru lalui kehidupan penuh cabaran deritai gangguan bipolar dan reumatoid artritis  ( Mental resilience, strengthen spirits) – Berita Harian 4 November 2013

Charity plans third centre for the mentally ill – Club HEAL is also looking to raise awareness among the public and boost the skills of its volunteers (Badan kebajikan rancangkan pusat ketiga untuk pesakit mental) – Sunday Times 20 October 2013

Help those with mental illnesses, Yaacob urges (Bantu mereka yang mempunyai sakit mental, gesa Yaacob) – Straits Times 25 September 2013

Acara golf kumpul $100,000 – dianjur Kelab HEAL dan AMP, dana bagi bantu pesakit jiwa (Golf event garnered $100,000 – organized by Club HEAL and AMP, funds for helping persons with mental illness) – Berita Harian 25 September 2013.

Usah takut; dampingi dan sayangi (Do not be afraid; get to know and give love) – Berita Harian 6 August 2013, commentary by Dr Radiah Salim that persons with mental illnesses need to feel that they are valued and loved to aid their recovery process, hence the importance of getting committed befrienders or “HEALing firiends”.

AP PAP Melayu derma $15,000 bantu pesakit mental – Berita Minggu 21 July 2013, featured the strong support of the Malay PAP MP’s towards Club HEAL’s programmes for PMHI’s and caregivers, by their Ramadan contribution of $15,000 to Club HEAL at Wisma Mendaki.

Ganding bahu bantu pesakit mental – Berita Harian 15 June 2013, featured club HEAL’s official opening at BBE by Mdm Halimah Yacob, who urged other grassroots organizations at Bukit Batok to support club HEAL’s efforts at helping PMHI’s. The importance of gaining more ‘healing friends’ like Mdm Bee Bee Noor Jahan was also shared.

Terima dana wakaf – Berita Harian 12 June 2013, featured club HEAL receiving funding for the first time from wakaf assets administered by MUIS.

Meniti Harapan (Bridging Hope) – Berita Harian 6 May 2013, commentary by Dr Radiah Salim on the importance of continuing support from the community, in particular, employers, to club HEAL’s rehabilitation program by giving persons with mental illness job opportunities, thereby allowing them to contribute to family and society.

Berubah kepada positif lepas jalani rawatan – Berita Harian 5 April 2013, page 6 – 3 articles on club HEAL – the first 2 was on the success stories of club HEAL participants of the rehab programme, the 3rd was on the club HEAL short films and how they potray real-life problems faced by persons with mental health issues and their families.

In need of helping hands – they dream of marrying and having a job, Sunday Times, 24 march 2013, featured the work of dedicated volunteers like Rosni Ali who teaches yoga at Club HEAL. It also highlights the difficulties of getting volunteers and possible solutions to the problem of volunteer shortage.

Mental Illness or Jinn Disturbance,  Muzlimbuzz, 7 March 2013

Dilema, stigma pesakit mental, Berita Harian, 13 Februari 2013, page 1-The article features the poignant story of a caregiver and her son with schizophrenia and the challenges they faced, in particular highlighting how traditional barriers like stigma and belief in the supernatural causes resulted in treatment delay. In the same issue (page 10), the importance of seeking early treatment is explained.

Providing HEALing for mental illness, The Sunday Times, 25 November 2012, page 22 – this article explained that club HEAL was formed to provide a psychiatric rehabilitation service that cater to the cultural needs of the Malay-Muslim community. Minister of State (MSF) Mdm Halimah Yacob  stressed the need for groups like club HEAL which can help disseminate correct beliefs, thereby bridging the gap between traditional and evidence-based medicine.

Club HEAL featured in Lensa Ramadan at Channel Suria on 25 July 2012. Our day rehab program at Al-Khair Mosque was showcased.

Diterima Mesra, Berita Harian, 6 June 2012, page 10. The article explores the programme in one of the days at Club HEAL’s psychiatric rehab service at masjid Al-Khair.

Gangguan mungkin mental, bukan makhluk halus, Berita Harian, 21 May 2012, page 1. The article highlights the forum “Saka atau Baka” and the Club HEAL launch that took place the day before.

Pelancaran Kelab HEAL, Berita Harian, 16 May 2012, page 13. The article highlights the launch of Club HEAL at Al-Khair mosque with MP Zaqy Mohamad as Guest-of-Honour, accompanied by public forum “Saka atau Baka” or “Genie vs Genes”.

Merawat Pesakit Mental, Berita Minggu, 1 April 2012, page 12. The article highlights Club HEAL and features a caregiver of a mental patient.

Club HEAL featured in Akhir Kata on 29 March 2012 at Channel Suria. The volunteers’ orientation tea at Pertapis was featured with Madam Zaiton, a caregiver, interviewed. She highlighted the current lack of stepdown care facilities for the Malay/Muslim patients. This was followed by a panel discussion on the issue of mental illness and current challenges among the Malay/Muslim community with Dr Radiah Salim, Dr Bibi Jan Ayyub and Sister Yang Chek Salikin with Mr Othman Bohari moderating.

Badan khusus bantu pesakit mental Muslim ditubuhkan, Berita Harian, 21 March 2012. The article highlights about Club HEAL, our upcoming Volunteer’s Tea and Fund-raising Bazaar.

Pesakit Mental Perlu Dibantu, Berita Minggu, 26 February 2012, page 15.
The article highlights the current situation of mental health in Singapore and about Club HEAL.

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“Don’t count the days, make the days count.” – Muhammad Ali


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