Club HEAL operates Gift Shops at our Bukit Batok East and Marsiling premises to serve as a platform to empower our beneficiaries with occupational and entrepreneurial skills.
To support and purchase our products online, visit our Shopee Page: Club HEAL Shopee
Do visit our Gift Shops at the following locations. Operating hours during weekdays 9am till 1pm (closed on public holidays).
Club HEAL Head Office (West)
244 Bukit Batok East Ave 5, #01-02 Singapore 650244
Club HEAL @ Marsiling (North)
Blk 317 Woodlands St 31 #01-194 Singapore 730317
Kelab HEAL telah menubuhkan Kedai Cenderamata di premis kami di BBE untuk berkhidmat sebagai wadah untuk memperkasakan para peserta kami dengan kemahiran pekerjaan dan keusahawanan.
Sila lunsuri lelaman Facebook kami untuk lihat kraftangan peserta kami: Club HEAL Gift Shop.
Kunjungilah kami di alamat berikut. Waktu operasi pada hari Isnin hingga Jumaat jam 9pg hingga 1 ptg (tutup pada cuti umum).
Club HEAL Head Office (West)
244 Bukit Batok East Ave 5, #01-02 Singapore 650244
Club HEAL @ Marsiling (North)
Blk 317 Woodlands St 31 #01-194 Singapore 730317